This course has been rescheduled – thanks, Covid – to October and November 2022. Registration is now open.
I am pleased to announce the 2022 edition of the National Family Law Arbitration Course, a 40-hour course organized by myself, Lorne Wolfson and Lawrence Pinksy. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the arbitration of family law disputes in Canada, and includes two optional 7-hour pre-course programs for mental health professionals and family law lawyers interested in working as parenting coordinators.
While good arbitration courses abound in this country, they tend to focus on employment, construction and other corporate and commercial disputes; none are designed to address the special nature and special needs of family law disputes. This course fills that gap. It is taught by established family law lawyers, arbitrators and academics practicing in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario, including Wayne Barkauskas QC, Professor Rachel Birnbaum, Herschel Fogelman, Aaron Franks, Cheryl Goldhart, Arlene Henry QC, Alf Mamo, Danny Melamed, Krysta Ostwald QC, Eugene Raponi QC, and Brahm Siegel, as well as Lorne, Lawrence and myself. We will also be joined by a special guest speaker – last year, Senator Murray Sinclair discussed Indigenous perspectives on justice and the arbitration of disputes – and by superior court judges discussing the role of the courts in arbitration processes. Participants in the 2021 edition rated the course and its impact on their understanding of family law arbitration very highly:
- 78% of participants who completed our feedback survey described the materials as very relevant and 22% described them as relevant,
- 84% strongly agreed that the course increased their knowledge of the subject matter and 16% agreed that it increased their knowledge, and
- 96% said they would strongly encourage or encourage others to take the course.
The course is competitively priced, with a fee of $1800 for members of ADRIC, FMC, FAMLI, MediateBC, FDRIO or OAFM, and a fee of $1950 for non-members. The cost for each of the single-day pre-course programs is $350. The course is open to anyone interested in arbitrating family law disputes, not just lawyers. Social workers, clinical counsellors, psychologists and mediators, and anyone else with a practice focusing on family breakdown and restructuring, are all welcome. The National Family Law Arbitration Course is provided through an interactive virtual platform over six days in October and November 2022, with the pre-course programs running in early October. Note, however, that this course is not a passive webinar. Participants’ active engagement in class discussions and exercises is required. Get more information, the current list of faculty, and download the registration form from the course website at Please join us! Contact Lorne Wolfson (Torkin Manes LLP, Ontario), Lawrence Pinsky (Taylor McCaffrey LLP, Manitoba) or me (John-Paul Boyd Arbitration Chambers, British Columbia and Alberta) for more information about the course.
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